A 11000 m2 artificial pond and 2600 m2 reed bed filters were created for the storage and treatment of stormwater and runoff from Servier pharmaceutical Laboratories site in Gidy. Designed to be able to treat once-a-century rainfall. Capacity : 12000 m3. Design : Epur Nature. Established : 2014.

Vertical flow FBA system treating deicing fluids of Buffalo airport, New York

A 10 years old CW multistage system (5 stages: Imhoff+HF+VF+HF+FWS) treating the municipal wastewater for a town of 3500 inhabitants.

2-stage vertical flow reed bed filter for the treatment of raw unsettled domestic sewage (French system). Capacity : 1200 People Equivalent. 

A horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland treating the wastewater from a housing scheme in the tropical island of Mayotte 

Albondon (600 PE) : the first "French system" in Spain, designed and build in 2005 by AKUT and SINT treats the waste water of a town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada

Aerated wetland for a hotel in Antwerp, Belgium

Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.

Aerated wetland treating waste water from a small cheesery and dairy farm

Vertical flow constructed wetland, treating domestic wastewater from 2 streets in the rural area around Aalter, Belgium