Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse

Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.

Additional Info

  • In operation since: 2013
  • Type of wastewater treated: Sludge: waste-water
  • Hydraulic load: m³/day
  • Organic load (PE): PE
  • Location: Nègrepelisse, Departement of Tarn-et-Garonne (France)
  • Client: Syndicat des Déchets du Tarn et Garonne
  • Needs:

    Environmental-friendly solution for the treatment of septage coming from 3500 on-site sanitation units on the north-eastern part of the departement.

  • Solution:

    The solution is combining a septage discharge unit, an aerated storage tank, reed beds filters, a storage tank with filtration unit before reuse of treated leachates on a short rotation coppice.

  • Benefits:

    The solution provided is simple, cost-effective and reliable. It has many advantages such as landscape preservation, sustainable development. The treated leachates is spread on a tree plantation (5ha)operated as a Short Rotation Coppice whose wood production feeds a communal heating system. 

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