Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.

Resolis: Two 200m2 horizontal subsurface flow wetlands operated in paralell treating 10m3/d of secondary sewage.


Beautiful two stage French system treating the wastewater of a hamlet in the outskirts of Paris

Corsendonk Featured

Aerated wetland at hotel/conference center.

Teeside: A 1000 m2, 3 stage passive vertical flow reed bed system, treating run off from an international airport fire fighting training facility.

Large treatment wetland in the northwest of France, near the city of Le Mans,  treating 4000 PE and also large amounts of storm and drainage water. Zero surface water discharge in summer. 

2-stage Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland for the treatment of raw domestic sewage (French system) for 1360 people-equivalent adapted to the local resources and climate with UV tertiary treatment.

One stage of reed beds fed with raw sewage assures primary and secondary treatment for 1200 People Equivalent, followed by a trickling filter for polishing and nitrification. A tertiary UV treatment enables a pathogens removal by 4 U log.

Pond treatment system to prevent algae growth at Bebat Tienen (Belgium)

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