Earls Colne: Two 800m2 vertical flow reed beds operated alternately to treat 1,168m3/d of tertiary sewage waste water.

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.

Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.

Yaxley: A three stage system comprising lagoon with floating reed beds, surface flow horizontal and sub surface flow horizontal to treat 170 m3/d of vegetable wash water.

Grenoble – urban park Ouagadougou: a 1 ha urban park with reed bed filters and surface flow wetlands collecting and treating stormwater runoff from the roofs of buildings and from adjacent roads in order to meet irrigation needs of the park and to reduce discharge of stormwater into the municipal sewer system. This project was the laureate of the NOVATECH 2013 international conference of sustainable urban drainage award http://novatech.graie.org/a_present_laureats.php




Wastewater treatment plant for 1200 p.e. at St-Affrique-les-Montagne, south west of France (Tarn), with 1 vertical flow reed bed combined with a surface flow polishing treatment

Intensified (aerated) wetland for wastewater treatment of 800 employees at the administrative center of a mining company, situated near Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Conception: 2 Septic Tanks for pre-treatment, aerated wetland as main treatment and horizontal flow constructed wetland post treatment.  

Wetland project and execution by Rotária do Brasil, Landscaping only execution by Rotária do Brasil.


  • Adapted „French system“ for a nursing home, Hogar de Ancianos Sta. Ana y San Joaquín y Asociación Ayuda Me Perú
  • All treated wastewater is reused for irrigation of agricultural used area
  • The 2 staged wetland system treats the domestic effluent of 55 residents and employees
  • The pre-treatment is carried out on the surface of an planted, vertical flowed gravel bed wetland with 2 charging points, used alternately (2 and 2 days)
  • The post-treatment is carried out in an planted vertical flowed sand bed wetland with 4 divisions to maintain always the biologically activity in all parts of the wetland

Design, Construction and Operation and mantainmance by Rotaria del Perú, online monitoring by SCADAweb

In 2001, IRIDRA managed the design of a constructed wetlands system for the wine-producing firm “Tenuta dell’Ornellaia”, Leghorn, Italy. The system consists of vertical flow constructed wetlands (SFS-v) as a first stage followed by a second SFS-h stage with recirculation to the first stage and then by a single FWS. It treats wastewater from the firm, which allows water to be reused for irrigation

Pond treatment system to prevent algae growth at Bebat Tienen (Belgium)

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