2-stage vertical flow reed bed filter for the treatment of raw unsettled domestic sewage (French system). Capacity : 1200 People Equivalent.
Orelle (French Alps): a 1200 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 800 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow reed bed for domestic effluent under cold climate conditions.
Client: Greve Municipality
Location: Mosede, Denmark
Established: 1999
Number of basins: 10
Sludge type: Activated sludge
Sludge volume: 1,000 tonnes DS/year
PE, amount: 60,000
Intensified (aerated) wetland for wastewater treatment of 800 employees at the administrative center of a mining company, situated near Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Conception: 2 Septic Tanks for pre-treatment, aerated wetland as main treatment and horizontal flow constructed wetland post treatment.
Wetland project and execution by Rotária do Brasil, Landscaping only execution by Rotária do Brasil.
Vertical flow constructed wetland treating the sanitary wastewater from the border control office at Kallo (Antwerp, Belgium)
1,2 ha system treating the effluent of an activated sludge system for treament of the liquid fraction of swine manure.
In 2001, IRIDRA managed the design of a constructed wetlands system for the wine-producing firm “Tenuta dell’Ornellaia”, Leghorn, Italy. The system consists of vertical flow constructed wetlands (SFS-v) as a first stage followed by a second SFS-h stage with recirculation to the first stage and then by a single FWS. It treats wastewater from the firm, which allows water to be reused for irrigation
Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.
One of the largest and most efficient wastewater treatment plant with french system reed bed filter in France.
Nominal capacity : 4000 p.e. with an extension to 6000 p.e.