Recirculated vertical flow French system for 800 p.e. with polishing in a "natural" horizontal flow wetland 

Client: Nordborg Municipality
Location: Nordborg, Denmark
Established: 2003
Number of basins: 10
Sludge type: Activated sludge and digested sludge
Sludge volume: 350 tonnes DS/year
PE, amount: 15000

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.

Pouembout : a 250 p.e. reed bed filter was created to replace a deficient waste stabilization pond.

Hollange : a 432 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 288 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow filter, and a 1200 m² vegetated polishing zone treating 102 m3/d of domestic effluent.

Large treatment wetland in the northwest of France, near the city of Le Mans,  treating 4000 PE and also large amounts of storm and drainage water. Zero surface water discharge in summer. 

Aerated wetland of 360 m², treating the sanitary waste water from an elementary school.

Pond treatment system to prevent algae growth at Bebat Tienen (Belgium)

Compact reed bed filter to treat raw unsettled domestic sewage (French system). Capacity : 315 people equivalent. Design and build : Epur Nature -2014.