Two stage vertical flow wetland with recirculation. The system treats the wastewater from the ecological office building. The treated wastewater is reused for toilet flushing.

A ten years old system treating the wastewater produced by a winery in Central Italy. Cecchi is a famous wine producer in Italy and the production is certified ISO14001; all the wastewater produced by the "bottling department", located in Castellina in Chianti, Province of Siena, is appropriately treated before to be discharged in a nearby stream by a multistage constructed wetland.

1,2 ha system treating the effluent of an activated sludge system for treament of the liquid fraction of swine manure.

Aerated wetland treating waste water from a small cheesery and dairy farm

2-stage Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland for the treatment of raw domestic sewage (French system) for 1360 people-equivalent adapted to the local resources and climate with UV tertiary treatment.

Resolis: Two 200m2 horizontal subsurface flow wetlands operated in paralell treating 10m3/d of secondary sewage.

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.


Beautiful two stage French system treating the wastewater of a hamlet in the outskirts of Paris

Mayfield: A 2.1 hectare, 12  bed aerated horizontal system treating airport run off contaminated with glycol based antifreeze.